Clown Plec (Peckoltia species)

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The Clown Pleco is one of the many dwarf pleco species and comes from soft, neutral waters in the rivers of Venezuela and Columbia.

Compatibility: Community

Temperature: 22 - 25℃

Maximum Size: 6cm

pH: 6-7.5

Water Requirement: Not Critical

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The Clown Pleco is one of the many dwarf pleco species and comes from soft, neutral waters in the rivers of Venezuela and Columbia.

Compatibility: Community

Temperature: 22 - 25℃

Maximum Size: 6cm

pH: 6-7.5

Water Requirement: Not Critical

The Clown Pleco is one of the many dwarf pleco species and comes from soft, neutral waters in the rivers of Venezuela and Columbia.

Compatibility: Community

Temperature: 22 - 25℃

Maximum Size: 6cm

pH: 6-7.5

Water Requirement: Not Critical

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