Golden Molly (Poecilia sphenops)


Poecilia sphenops is a species of fish, of the genus Poecilia, known under the common name molly; to distinguish it from its congeners, it is sometimes called short-finned molly or common molly. They inhabit fresh water streams and coastal brackish and marine waters of Mexico.

Compatibility: Community

Temperature: 22 - 26℃

Maximum Size: 8cm+

pH: 7-7.5

Water Requirement: Not Critical

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Poecilia sphenops is a species of fish, of the genus Poecilia, known under the common name molly; to distinguish it from its congeners, it is sometimes called short-finned molly or common molly. They inhabit fresh water streams and coastal brackish and marine waters of Mexico.

Compatibility: Community

Temperature: 22 - 26℃

Maximum Size: 8cm+

pH: 7-7.5

Water Requirement: Not Critical

Poecilia sphenops is a species of fish, of the genus Poecilia, known under the common name molly; to distinguish it from its congeners, it is sometimes called short-finned molly or common molly. They inhabit fresh water streams and coastal brackish and marine waters of Mexico.

Compatibility: Community

Temperature: 22 - 26℃

Maximum Size: 8cm+

pH: 7-7.5

Water Requirement: Not Critical

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