Tri Colour Fighter (Betta splendens)
Betta splendens is a species of freshwater fish in the genus Betta. Bettas are also called betta fish or Siamese fighting fish. Betta splendens are native to Thailand.
Compatibility: Community
Temperature: 24 - 27℃
Maximum Size: 6cm
pH: 6.5 - 7
Water Requirement: Keep Singly
Betta splendens is a species of freshwater fish in the genus Betta. Bettas are also called betta fish or Siamese fighting fish. Betta splendens are native to Thailand.
Compatibility: Community
Temperature: 24 - 27℃
Maximum Size: 6cm
pH: 6.5 - 7
Water Requirement: Keep Singly
Betta splendens is a species of freshwater fish in the genus Betta. Bettas are also called betta fish or Siamese fighting fish. Betta splendens are native to Thailand.
Compatibility: Community
Temperature: 24 - 27℃
Maximum Size: 6cm
pH: 6.5 - 7
Water Requirement: Keep Singly